How to become more grateful in life ?

Few days back one of my friend asked me the following question , I sent her the reply and thought to share on blog aswell so that may be it could be of any help by any means for others.

So question was :

Q: How do I become grateful for my life ?

A: I have two detailed answers for this.

One : Citizen of The World. [A General Overview]
Two : Muslim citizen of this Universe [An Islamic Overview]


Being citizen of this World, how do you foresee life ? In times of stress an darkness ; are you able to feel a deep sense of Gratitude ?
If your answer is YES , you are appreciating life and the creator; if NO you need to go through the following.

Timeline and evolving World:
As compare to the past humanity the current species are given less time to enjoy on this Planet . Everything is coming to its end from the day it was started or created. Global warming , change of seasons , extreme climate are the signs of decline of the existence of this World. Paying attention to the mind blowing cyccle of life around you and learning to gracefully embrace it, could be a sign of gratitude or say paying regards to. 

A beautiful World:
One could be even thankful of walking through the lush green grass or even sitting in sandal woods , World is so beautiful one just need to look around and find out a simple reason to admire its beauty and Serenity of Creator. Breathing a fresh air and looking up in the Sky saying loudly Thanks to the Nature is a best way to express your
love for the life you are granted with. 

The sunlight kissing my skin giving me reason to shine is another blessing which force me to pass my regards , the wonderful sights which I see through my eyes becomes the logical connection of Nature and Science , urges me to be thankful what I have , just do not love it start loving the day and time you have.

Appreciate being born:
Don't you wonder over your birth , that miraculous combination of forces developing into you. The bond of love with your blood relation gives another opportunity to
cherish and pass gratitude for being born and raised under the blessed shadow of love and comfort. 

I could write more but then basic idea will be lost.
The above script and its actions are for a another citizen of the World.

Two : 

Now this part is truly different and original. 

Making sure to witness the oneness of God accepting the descendants of Adam [AS] enables us to be called Muslims.By then we have to have this firm belief that we are to return to our Creator Almighty , we are not sent to this earth to live but to travel through it and to reach to our final destination , for which we will be summoned on the day of Resurrection.We need to be thankful to Him that He sent us to a Muslim nation.

Happiness & Sorrow:
A modern world science has entirely diffierent view that it only applies; when felt happy or if getting good grades. While on Muslims it is obligatory to thank and pass gratitude being in whatever; happy or worst condition. Believing in the commandments of God in the Holy Quran clearly states that , God will blesses the one who is more thankful and kind.

Reasons to be grateful:
Well there are as many reasons as stars in the sky. BUT one need to submit and accept that God is the super power to make me a good or bad person through my fair or unfair actions.
Shouldn't I be thankful for being a Muslim ? if not; I might be lying somewhere in darkness destroying my life and the hereafter.

Shouldn't I be thankful for being a good Mother/Father/Son or daughter ? if not ; I might be living in a complex society unknown to the respect of relations.
Shouldn't I be thankful for the food I am getting ? if not; I might be dying somewhere from hunger .
Shouldn't I be thankful for a healthy and functioning body ? if not ; I might be walking with sticks and living in pain.

and the list continues.....

Methodologies to pass Gratitude:
Being a Muslim itself is a complete way of being grateful. But it comes with condition of being pure from heart and clean in thoughts.Performing prayers and acting on the orders of God is a basic and necessary element of claiming oneself as a thankful.

You do not need money to pay gratitude , being patient in times of trouble is way to express your gratitude. Meeting fellow human being
with a smile on your lips is a way to pass gratitude. Meeting up your responsibilities towards your family being a Mother , Father , Son, Daughter , Sister,wife or husband is a way to pay regards. Helping someone in his time of need is a way to express your love and gratitude to God that he made you an opportunity and point of assisting others. 

Thus do not just wait for things to be thanked upon , do it without reasons and your life will be as beautiful as a glowing star and it will help you nurture your inner soul to the maximum limit of kindness.

This is purely what I think and take life as; it could be difference of view for others.


  1. Very well written! Your positive thinking is commendable

  2. Stirring and Innocent. I liked it a lot and it got me A grade!

    1. Thanks Memarim, I am glad you liked it and it helped you scoring an A Grade. Stay blessed.


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